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Verses for Sympathy Cards Examples

Verses for sympathy cards express your sympathy to those who've lost a loved one in an eloquent and poetic way. Below you'll find excellent examples of verses to use in sympathy cards to send to people who have lost loved ones.

Verses for Sympathy Cards Examples

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 1

Sorrows are like ripples on the water,
They come and they go,
But memories remain forever.
May you find peace and love
In the memories
Of good times spent together.

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 2

Time never stops;
It passes, taking away things and
Leaving behind memories.
My prayers are with you.

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 3

No matter how far away they go, they always remain close to our hearts, because they leave behind beautiful memories to cherish. May you be comforted by those memories and know you are in my thoughts.

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 4

In the journey of life some people leave a mark so deep that it becomes hard to forget them. May you find peace and love in the memories you cherish. With heartfelt condolences.

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 5

Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved,
Still missed
And very dear.

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 6

Those we love never go away, they always remain close to our hearts. May you find comfort in the treasured memories of good times spent together.

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 7

A memory is a keepsake of time that lives forever in the heart. May your treasured memories bring solace during this time of loss. With Sympathy,

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 8

The ones we love live forever in the heart. With heartfelt sympathy,

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 9

Love and memories live forever. During this difficult time, may you find comfort in the wonderful times you shared. With sympathy,

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 10

Words of comfort simply cannot meet the magnitude of your loss. But you are held close in many caring hearts.

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 11

Words, however kind,
Can't mend your heartache:
But those who care and
Share your loss wish you
Comfort and peace of mind.

Verses for Sympathy Cards Example 12

Sometimes there are no words to say, Only shoulders to lean on, Hands to hold onto, And hugs to comfort you as best they can. I'm here for you.